American oak (Quercus sp.), Air-cured over 24 months.
Artisan roasting and maturing for over 2 years are the keys to the success of Oak Passion® Minnesota Oak Intense alternatives.
This high extraction line offers unique hints of ripe fruit, spices and caramel.
Oak Passion® Minnesota Oak Intense Oak Alternatives have high level of vanilla and provide excellent results.
Chips Large ~20 mm
The dosage varies depending on the product you want to get and the wine base.
We recommend:
In fermentation: 50-400 g / hl,
Aging: 50-200 g / hl for contact times of 6-10 weeks.
Bags of 9 kg.
Store the product in a cool, dry and ventilated place, away from heat sources. Store in rooms free of odors, in its original packaging.
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