French oak (Quercus sp.), Air seasoned 24 months.
American oak (Quercus sp.), Air seasoned 24 months.
The Oak Passion® Bukeela Fruit alternatives allow the fruity notes of white, red or rosé wine to be developed, thanks to the roasting method.
They increase the structure, the softness, the roundness and the character and the remarkable aromatic tones are further enhanced by a delicate sensation on the palate.
The handmade infrared roasting (uniform and repeatable over time) of this high-extraction line offers unique and high-quality scents designed to meet your needs, giving the right balance.
The notes of brown sugar, coffee and a touch of sweet smoke for the whites, or smoked chocolate for the reds are enhanced.
Chips Large ~20 mm
The dosage varies depending on the product you want to get and the
wine base.
We recommend:
In fermentation: 50-400 g / hl,
Aging: 50-200 g / hl for contact times of 6-10 weeks.
18 kg bags with 2 bags for infusion.
Store the product in a cool, dry and ventilated place, away from heat sources. Store in rooms free of odors, in its original packaging.
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